Springtime Is On Its Way!

It’s hard to believe (especially with more snow predicted for the next couple of days), but spring will soon be here… and with it, lots of activities at the Park!

Several special events are on the calendar for the next couple of months.IMG_7341 cropped

On Saturday, March 12th, the annual Tree Keepers Workshop will take place at the Lodge from 8:30  am until early afternoon. For only $10, participants will be treated to presentations by local horticulturists, in addition to lunch and a light breakfast.

The very popular Spring Break Nature Camp (for children in grades 3 through 6) is scheduled for March 28th through April 1st.  The camp, which runs from 8:30 am until noon daily, promises to “have it all: birds, bugs and butterflies, games and activities, frogs and snakes.”  Registration is limited to 15 campers and costs $50 per camper ($60 after March 18th)… so hurry and register early if you want to assure that your child can participate!

IMG_7233Mark your calendars now for the annual Earth Day Lake and Park Cleanup! Plan to join park staff and our Friends volunteers at the Nature Center for a spring clean-up of our park! (This is an excellent opportunity for students in the TNAchieves program to log some of their required volunteer hours!)


A wide variety of additional activities featuring the outstanding Nature Center staff are also on tap.  Larry McDaniel will lead a Winter Woodpecker Walk on Saturday, March 5th beginning at 9:30 am from the Nature Center porch.

Later this spring Jeremy, Don and Larry will lead walks focusing on Spring Wildflowers, Plants and their Pollinators, Spring Bird Migration, Creek Ecology, and Spring Butterflies. Check the full schedule of activities for details.


Complete Schedule of SCP Spring Nature Activities
