Phillip Klahs to Discuss Park’s Botanical Diversity this Monday Evening

If you’d like to know more about the diversity of plant life at Steele Creek Park, plan to join us this coming Monday evening (11/17) for a presentation by Phillip Klahs.

Phillip will be receiving his Master’s Degree in Biology from ETSU next month. For his thesis, he has completed the most extensive survey ever undertaken of vascular plants within Steele Creek Park. Building on studies done previously at the Park, he has catalogued over 500 unique species of plants; over 150 of these are the first to be reported in Sullivan County. Of particular note, with financial support provided by Friends of Steele Creek Nature Center and Park, Phillip has preserved duplicate specimens of each species collected. One set of these will be contributed to the Steele Creek Park Nature Center Herbarium, with the other set going to the University of Tennessee Herbarium in Knoxville.

Monday evening, Phillip will be discussing his project and findings with the Friends Board of Directors and all others who might be interested. His presentation is open to the public and will begin at 6:00pm at the Steele Creek Park Lodge.

Don’t miss this opportunity to learn all about the amazing botanical diversity that exists right here in the middle of Bristol!

