Larry McDaniel’s SCP Nature Guide

If you haven’t visited Larry McDaniel’s Steele Creek Park Nature Guide on Flickr recently, you need to do so.  Larry. one of the part-time naturalists at the Nature Center since 2006, has catalogued over 1000 photos he’s taken at the Park.  It’s an amazing testament to the natural beauty and biological diversity to be found there.

Here’s a small sample of some of Larry’s recent additions.


14 8-23 383 Butorides virescens - Green Heron
Green Heron
14 8-23 393 Asiatic Dayflower - Commelina communis
Asiatic Dayflower
14 8-30 7758 Actias luna – Luna Moth
Luna Moth
14 10-25 911 White-crowned Sparrow - Zonotrichia leucophrys 10-25-14
White-crowned Sparrow
14 8-31 422 Araneus marmoreus - Marbled Orbweaver
Marbled Orbweaver
14 10-25 143 Monarch - Danaus plexippus 10-25-14
14 10-4 fungus and lichens
Fungus and Lichens
14 9-27 181 Sachem - Atalopedes campestris