Kevin Hamed to Speak at Annual Meeting – May 3rd

Mark your calendars now!!!

The 2014 FSCNCP Annual Meeting  will be held Saturday, May 3rd, 2014.

As part of the meeting, Kevin Hamed will give a special presentation on the unique ecosystem of Trinkle Creek with its population of Tennessee dace, and will talk about the importance of ongoing protection of the Park and surrounding properties.  Kevin (soon to be Dr. Hamed) is a former SCP Nature Center Manager/Park Naturalist who is currently on the faculty at Virginia Highlands Community College; he is a leading authority on the Tennessee dace, as well as an expert on salamanders of the Appalachian region.  Following Kevin’s  presentation we plan to offer a guided visit (for a limited number of Friends members) to the property that our organization recently purchased and donated to the City to help protect Trinkle Creek.

The agenda for the business meeting (which will precede Kevin’s presentation) includes a review of the past year, discussion of our plans for the year ahead, and election of new Board members.  The meeting will probably be held in the early afternoon; exact time and location will be announced soon.

Please spread the word and plan to join us for what promises to be an
important, informative and fun annual meeting!
