Friends of Steele Creek awarded grant from Kingsport Community Foundation

Friends of Steele Creek Nature Center and Park was recently awarded a generous grant from the Kingsport Community Foundation to purchase educational materials for the Nature Center.  The $1000 grant will be used to greatly enhance the Nature Center’s library and resource center with educational nature books and DVD’s for children and adults (primarily children.)  Sharon Foster, Ellen Parker, and Jeremy Stout are now in the process of ordering the books and DVDs, and are working with other volunteers to have a “Moms and Tots” program for a couple of hours on Saturday mornings to encourage young children to take advantage of the resources.

The Kingsport Community Foundation is an affiliate of the East Tennessee Foundation, a public, non-profit philanthropic organization serving 25 counties in east Tennessee.  We are very grateful for their generous support of our current project.

In addition, to complement the grant, a DVD player and 22” flat screen television monitor have been donated by Best Buy, and the Fairmount Garden Club has donated rubber mats for children to sit on in the resource center. 

To further our educational efforts we are looking for “matching” donations to purchase additional materials, including DVDs, books, and nature games.  If you are interested in making a tax deductible contribution to this worthwhile effort, you may send a check made out to Friends of Steele Creek Nature Center.  Please designate the check for “Educational Resource Center” and mail it to Friends of Steele Creek Nature Center and Park, P.O. Box 1763, Bristol, TN 37621.  If you would like additional information or would like to volunteer to help with the “Moms and Tots” program, let us know by leaving your comments below.


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