Annual Membership Meeting Report

Our 2014 annual Membership Meeting, held at the Nature Center on May 3rd, was a great success.

The members present voted to enlarge the Board size to 15 for fiscal year 2014-5, and the following current Board members were elected to serve additional 3 year terms:

Sheri Hiter

Harriet Locke

George McClellan

Michele Sparks

In addition, Charlotte Duncan was elected to the Board to serve a three year term beginning July 1.  Charlotte has already been involved in some of our activities, including the recent Park Cleanup Day.  She was serving on the Bristol Tennessee Parks and Recreation Commission until her recent move to Bristol VA.  We anticipate good things from Charlotte as she joins us on our Board.

A highlight of the meeting was the recognition of Sharon and Powell Foster for their very generous contribution establishing the Friends of Steele Creek Land Acquisition Fund a number of years ago.  Their donation and the resulting Fund made it possible for us to purchase the 3 acre piece of property that Friends recently donated to the City to be protected as part of the Park.

Following the recognition of Sharon and Powell, Kevin Hamed gave an informative presentation on the Tennessee dace, a rare species of fish that resides in Trinkle Creek which runs through the newly acquired property.  Kevin described why the fish is at risk of extinction in the future and how protection of Trinkle Creek will help to protect that important population of fish.  His talk prompted a lively discussion of the importance of the Park ecosystems in general, ways in which those ecosystems may be damaged in the future, and how Friends can help to protect the natural resources of the Park.

Anyone interested in learning more is encouraged to contact us by e-mail at


