Mark your calendars now!
Our annual membership meeting is scheduled for Monday evening, May 11th at the Steele Creek Park Lodge. We encourage everyone to attend this important and informative meeting.
The meeting will begin at 6:30 pm with presentations by Caleb Corona and Dr. Han Ong (from King University) describing their recently conducted study of algae populations in Steele Creek Lake, and Dr. Laura Ong (also of King University) describing her arboreal disease monitoring study (soon to begin at the Park). Both of these projects have received support from our organization’s research small grant program.
Terry Napier, Director of Parks and Recreation, will also be on hand to provide us with an update on current and anticipated activities at the Park and Nature Center.
During our business meeting we will be electing Board members for the coming year, and will be considering a number of important Bylaws changes. An agenda with further details of these items will be forthcoming.
We hope to see you on May 11th!