A new start for our website

After a couple of malicious attacks on our official website reduced it to a non-functional site, we’re moving to what will hopefully be a more secure web blog.  The biggest change will be the functionality of the site; hopefully the content will (eventually) be much the same as it has been.

Using the new format will result in several improvements.  Whenever new information is posted to the site it will appear in the blog itself.  The posts will be maintained chronologically in the “Archives” section and will be searchable by “Categories”.  In addition, the entire site will be searchable by key words.  If you want to keep up with what’s going on at the Park and with our Friends organization, you can subscribe to the blog and be notified by e-mail or RSS feed whenever a new item is posted.  Finally, the blog format will provide you with the opportunity to give us feedback using the “Leave a Reply” section.

On the dowside, you may find navigation of the site to be a bit more challenging.  Most of the static information can be found in the pages section of the blog.  Use the “Navigation” menu in the left hand panel to find the pages of interest.

Unfortunately it will take us a while to migrate all of our old information over to our new site.  Please bear with us as we make the transition… and let us know what suggestions you have.


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