All entries for the 2024 Wildlife Weekend Photography Contest and Show are now available for viewing. Winners will be announced at Friday evening’s opening event at the Nature Center, immediately following Suzanne Stryk’s presentation, “Taking the Pulse of Place: Connecting to the Natural World through the Arts“.
To see the images, click on the photographer names below.
Steve Baskett
Lois Campbell
Robert Connell
Natasha Conner
Richard Currie
Miles Davis
Susan Dickenson
Byron Dicks
Erin Downs
Meaghan Evans
Michael Gilly
Chris Hughes
Kim Iezzi
Zackary Keith
Emily Little
Beverly Meadows
Lucas Ramirez
Josee Sawyer
Joshua Tester
Landon Brandal*
Joseph Carty
Jude Daniel*
Jensen Hamilton*
Jonah Howren
Micah Howren
Noah Howren
Keelan Jackson*
Roanin Musser*
Miles Pickard*
Brody Salyer*
Carter Shipley*
Emily Stewart
Rosella Stewart
* Nature Camp participants